Your zakat can provide life-changing education to students in need. Through Hello Future, your contribution funds scholarships that give at-risk youth access to our proven educational programs.

Why Direct Your Zakat to Education?

100% Zakat-Eligible: Our scholarship recipients meet all zakat criteria as students seeking knowledge

Lasting Impact: Your gift helps break the cycle of poverty through education

Direct Support: Scholarships cover tuition, materials, and essential support services

Your Zakat in Action

Each scholarship provides:

  • Full access to our educational programs

  • Essential learning materials and technology

  • Mentoring and academic support

  • Career guidance and job prep assistance

  • Transportation assistance when needed

We honor your sacred trust by ensuring your Zakat directly supports eligible students, transforming their lives through the gift of education.

Hello Future is a US Registered 501(c)3 organization, EIN 81-4922460.
All contributions are tax-deductible.

Please note: Donations made through this page are designated as zakat contributions.

Donate with Credit Cards, PayPal or Bank Transfer:

To make a donation by check or through your donor advised fund, our mailing address is:
Hello Future
245 8th Ave #149
New York, NY 10011

"Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah makes easy for them a path to Paradise."